Rudi Mauch – Acquisition Manager

Meet Rudi Mauch, our friendly and approachable Acquisition Manager. Rudi is the go-to person for overseeing the Inside Sales Agents (ISAs) and making sure our clients are well taken care of. He loves meeting new people and helping them achieve their goals, which is why his favorite part of the job is building strong relationships. Rudi’s open communication style and knack for finding solutions make him a key player on our team. He’s also passionate about teamwork, always eager to share his knowledge and learn new things from others.

When Rudi isn’t working, you’ll find him playing soccer, spending time with family, or enjoying nature. To stay focused at work, Rudi believes in taking things one step at a time and staying positive. His advice for newcomers? Keep learning, stay curious, and be confident in what you do. Looking forward, Rudi is excited to help the team grow while continuing to provide the best service to our clients.

Phone: (470) 431-4727

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